I am an independent consultant dealing with
policy and regulatory issues related to
electronic communications. I am best known as an
economist, but my academic training is as a
political scientist (with a specialty in public
administration) and as an engineer. I am based
in Brussels, Belgium, and in Bonn, Germany.
Current and past private consulting clients
have included the European Parliament; the
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF); the
International Telecommunications Union (ITU);
national regulatory authorities of Bahrain,
Jamaica, and Namibia; and various market
From July 2005 to August 2015, I served as a
Director of WIK-Consult
GmbH in Bad Honnef, Germany. In this role,
I led many widely acclaimed projects for the
European Parliament, European Commission, and
various national governments and regulatory
From July 2001 to July 2005, I served as the
Senior Advisor for Internet Technology at the
U.S. Federal
Communications Commission (FCC). The FCC
loaned me to the European Commission during 2004
pursuant to a grant from the German Marshall
Fund of the United States (GMF). Prior to
joining the FCC, I was Chief Technology Officer
(CTO) for GTE Internetworking (Genuity), one of
the largest Internet backbone ISPs in the world
at that time. (GTE, a large US
telecommunications firm, was subsequently merged
into Verizon).
My work covers nearly all aspects of electronic
communications policy and regulation. I am
especially well known for my work with network
neutrality; broadband deployment and adoption
(both supply side and demand side);
international mobile roaming; and spectrum
policy, including mission-critical applications.
As an engineer, I have been an expert in large
scale network design, and author of a college
textbook on the subject.
In 2013-2014, I had the honour of serving on a
three expert panel advising Italian Prime
Minister Enrico Letta on broadband deployment
issues. I have been a member of the Scientific
Committee of the Communications and Media
program at the Florence School of Regulation
(FSR), a unit of the European University
Institute (EUI) / Robert Schuman Centre for
Advanced Studies (RSCAS), since its founding in
2009. I am a Fellow of the Center for Global
Communications (GLOCOM), a research institute of
the International University of Japan. I am a
Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE), have served as
co-editor for public policy and regulation for IEEE
Communications Magazine, as a member of
the Meetings and Conference Board of the IEEE
Communications Society from 2001 through 2005,
and as Vice Chair of IEEE Communications Network
Operations and Management (CNOM). I served on
the board of the American Registry of Internet
Numbers (ARIN) from 2000 to 2002.
I am the author of numerous
papers and of a book on data network
design: Designing
Area Networks and Internetworks: A Practical
Guide, Addison Wesley, 1999. Much of
my published
work is interdisciplinary, combining
economic, public policy, and technological
analysis. For a list of my publications, click here.
I hold a B.A. in Political Science (Public
Administration) from the City College of New
York, and an M.S. from the School of
Engineering, Columbia University.